Vendor Information

As a Vendor to the QAC Partnerships for Children and Families you are required to fill out a W-9 form and complete a separate county agreement form. These forms must be on file in the County Finance office (Accounting Division) before any checks will be issued. Once the forms are complete, fax them along with your first invoice to: (410) 758-6904. The State of Maryland Policies & Procedures Manual for Local Management Boards issued by The Governor’s Office for Children on Behalf of The Children’s Cabinet (effective July 1, 2013) provides instruction on the administration and management of Maryland’s Local Management Boards (LMBs). The Manual shall be incorporated by reference into LMB contracts with the Children’s Cabinet and each LMB shall incorporate the relevant contents of this Manual into its contracts with providers, vendors, consultants, grantees and others. Click here to download manual.

W9 & QAC County Agreement

LMB Policies & Procedures Manual